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2021-12-26 17:50:53
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The Featured Member is a Main Street Featured in which an outstanding member of Eltown is featured each month.
This feature is maintained by the Featured Member Bosses.

[#Featured Members] | [#Criteria] | [#Untouchable Members] | [#Suggestions]


Current Featured Member:





If you are interested in having your house featured on Main Street, you should keep in mind that there are rules/guidelines that will make your House more appealing for the Featured Member Bosses. Your house will more likely be chosen if you take the following into account:

1) Unique and creative
The house must be unique and creative. This means that they'll feature no horribly long surveys. Also unoriginal content (quotes and lyrics) would be there only to bolster the overall feel of the house. This means that the houses should say something meaningful, rather than random babble. (Unless the babble is particularly entertaining, as occasionally happens.)

2) Readable and organized
While the English on the houses doesn't need to be perfect it should be easy to read. With capital letters and punctuation every once in a while. This means no netspeak! If long, it should be broken up in a way that makes it presentable and easy to read, not just be one huge endless paragraph.

3) Proper display of images
Featured houses generally should not have more than the two allotted pictures in their slots and no overly large pictures in their description. And of course, the contents of the house must follow the Uploading Art Rules

4) Active member
Whoever is featured should be an active member of the community. Either a recognised poster from the forums, someone who has created their own forum, or is a listed member of Wiki pages. Being an active member of the community is highly appreciated!

5) Size
Member should fit reasonably well in a glass museum display jar ;)


Untouchable Members

The Featured Member Bosses are well aware that some Elftowners wish to keep their privacy and wouldn't like their house to be featured on Main Street. If this is the case for you, please contact Featured Member Boss [wicked fae mage] through a private message, or leave a comment on this page. A private note will be added to your house so that it won't be chosen as a Featured Member.

Should you ever decide that you want to be eligible again, please request that the note be removed.



You can leave suggestions for features in the comment-box.
Nominating someone doesn't mean he/she will automatically become a Featured Member:
All houses are subjected to our [#Criteria].

To talk about the Featured Member with other members go to <joinforum:735:join> (Featured Member)


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Username (or number or email):


2004-10-14 [Laptop_geek]: i reccomend [samwhatermtape] cuz hes kl.

2004-10-14 [The Dark Lord]: ummm....i like [Little Red Ridinghood] but i dont know if she is suitable, althgough she IS very funny

2004-10-14 [imsdal]: -__-' that does'nt have anything to do with this... (btw, Im very overprotective over my best friend, so sorry for bad behaviour) she DOES have everything required in the rules. THAT's whats important.

2004-10-14 [The Dark Lord]: Sorry, i didnt mean it offensively

2004-10-14 [All_Most PUNK]: Why wouldn't she be suitable?

2004-10-14 [imsdal]: And I did'nt mean to be moody ^^

2004-10-14 [imsdal]: allright, but this is not for the comments here. What do you think of [Little Red Ridinghood], Almost punk?

2004-10-14 [All_Most PUNK]: Well, she's in the list. We'll see if she's featured or not, but we'll keep her in mind.

2004-10-14 [imsdal]: cool! thanx for listening to me :)

2004-10-14 [YourAdHere]: how cool...

2004-10-19 [Kayne]: I nominate : [Keii] She has a nice house. Seperated with quotes who suit her and a nice reference to the elftown graphics. I think she deserves a reference.

2004-10-19 [Linderel]: I second the nomination for [Keii].

2004-10-20 [FiSHr.]: well just looking through my relations i nominate [SeXy*BiAAAtCH*yO] (briar) who has a nice house and should get this nomination

2004-10-20 [Kayne]: Too many pics. She won't be featered.

2004-10-20 [YourAdHere]: yeah i and i second the seconding of [Keii]

2004-10-25 [YourAdHere]: what changed?

2004-10-26 [Linderel]: I nominate [Veltzeh]. He has a nice, tidy, short description that tells the essential things about him and yet manages to be somewhat funny, in a sarcastic way (not too sarcastic, though).

2004-10-27 [The Dark Lord]: I second that nomination for [Veltzeh]

2004-10-27 [imsdal]: hm... I still think Im a good one ^,~ nah, just kidding. [Veltzeh] seems like a worthy winner, allrighty!

2004-10-27 [The Dark Lord]: In fact yeah i vote [imsdal] as well as [Veltzeh]

2004-11-02 [Orouriel]: I pick [Tjibbe]! I LOVE his description! He's so funny! Please read it! And laugh!

2004-11-02 [The Dark Lord]: I nominate [HowseR] because he is one funny person who has a great and interesting personality

2004-11-02 [HowseR]: HowseR i recomend [The Dark Lord] cuz he's 1 hell of a cool guy

2004-11-03 [Thanksallthesame]: ooooo

2004-11-06 [FiSHr.]: i nominate [The House That No Longer Is] exellent bio

2004-11-07 [Kayne]: Just to bad he uses that irritating red :/

2004-11-07 [All_Most PUNK]: To be honest, it hurts my eyes.

2004-11-07 [imsdal]: I thought it was brilliantly diffrent, but yeah... it kinda stings O,x

2004-11-07 [All_Most PUNK]: It's different, that's true, and it's ok. I jsut have sensitive eyes.

2004-11-07 [imsdal]: I don't. And I think you have a point.

2004-11-07 [Kayne]: It is not different o.0.o Lots of people use it. I just dislike it.

2004-11-07 [All_Most PUNK]: I don't like it either. My point was that the fact that it hurts my eyes doesn't make that wrong. It's only our opinion.

2004-11-07 [imsdal]: two thumbs up for that statement, mister smartypants ^^

2004-11-07 [HiddenFire]: If you want a smart answer it is that the contrast of the complimentary colors is what causes the discomfort. I never thought the red was such a good color choice. :P

2004-11-07 [imsdal]: ^^' wow... in the company of you guys, I feel stupid... :P

2004-11-07 [All_Most PUNK]: Umm, thinking back about my comments, I shouldn't have said anything :P I'm one of the bosses! *tends to forget that fact*

2004-11-07 [imsdal]: uhm, sorry but..why should'nt bosses say anything?

2004-11-07 [All_Most PUNK]: I don't know. It may look like I'm giving some passing of judgement. And it's not us guys, it's only Hiddenfire who is smart.

2004-11-07 [imsdal]: I feel like you guys are talking over me ><'... Like Im the gnome standing underneath you two giants, and you answer to eachothers faces, not mine XP.... bleb. I hate being small....

2004-11-07 [Kayne]: But itis nice to see a guards vieuw too.

2004-11-07 [All_Most PUNK]: Yeah, but I'm one the persons in charge of choosing members to be featured. Anway, why would you feel small, adamo?

2004-11-07 [HiddenFire]: I thought gnomes where smarter than giants. LOL :P

2004-11-07 [imsdal]: geh. see!? you're allready proving yourselves smarter than me ><.... you know what? Im just paranoid... *looks at coffee*....damn you! one day!!!

2004-11-07 [All_Most PUNK]: Err, Hidden, maybe you should try to keep your intelligence in control.

2004-11-07 [HiddenFire]: LOL, sorry. @.@

2004-11-07 [imsdal]: ><'

2004-11-07 [The House That No Longer Is]: You were talking about my house when you mentioned the red, right?

2004-11-08 [All_Most PUNK]: Yes.

2004-11-08 [The House That No Longer Is]: I thought so. Just dropped in to apologize for scorching your eyeballs. ^^; I've changed it from that hateful pink color to just plain bold. How's that?

2004-11-08 [All_Most PUNK]: It's ok any way you want it to be. We are just boring people without imagination :D

2004-11-08 [The House That No Longer Is]: Heh. Oh well. I don't want to end up getting messages from people with complaints about getting their eyeballs fried by my house. XD And, anyway, I never did like that color. Calling it hot pink is certainly an understatement!

2004-11-14 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: May I sugest [Mister Sneakers] as a featured member?

2004-11-15 [All_Most PUNK]: Yes, you may.

2004-11-28 [Bye bye elftown]: I wanna nominate myself... LOOL jkjk i think [imsdal]'s or [Diab Soule]'s house should be a featured member house... Ghoulina rocks on her diary!!!!

2004-11-28 [FiSHr.]: i second both of them

2004-11-28 [The Dark Lord]: I third [imsdal]

2004-11-28 [Elegy - gone]: I fourth, fifth and sixth [imsdal] =P

2004-11-30 [imsdal]: ... I first myself *grin* otherwise [Little Red Ridinghood]s definitly worthy. So is [L?se]

2004-12-04 [HowseR]: i dunno y i deserve it but choose me

2004-12-04 [FiSHr.]: i nominate [Hello Sunshine]

2004-12-04 [imsdal]: I think it's a bit too big, [Nightfire]'s description...

2004-12-04 [The Dark Lord]: [HowseR] defiately deserves it as hes a great person

2004-12-04 [imsdal]: but Featured Members are not just great people, they are great people with neat descriptions too...^_^

2004-12-04 [The Dark Lord]: i agree but the main thing should be their sure if [HowseR] neatened up his description it would be decent

2004-12-04 [imsdal]: I suppose, yeah.

2004-12-04 [hatter m]: I nominate my friend [Erestor], he's so cool and he's got a small description which is straight to the point and he is a great artist, alot of other people would probably agree with me.

2004-12-04 [imsdal]: oh yeah! ^^ I love his house! It's like...cozy, in a strange way ^^

2004-12-06 [x-xVanityx-x]: I nominate Emma Lydia Bates! All her stories are totally brilliant and she should def be featured!

2004-12-13 [LiLPsychoke]: Can I suggest [Blue Highway] as featured member. She is realy nice and I like her a lot :D

2004-12-13 [Elegy - gone]: I think her description might be a tad too long...

2004-12-13 [The Dark Lord]: i agree....maybe she should get rid of some wiki banners!?

2004-12-13 [imsdal]: pehaps so... ^^

2004-12-13 [hatter m]: What about [Erestor]? He's great, and his house doesn't have any wiki banners on it, ask any of his friends he's great!

2004-12-13 [The Dark Lord]: yes i think [Erestor] is worthy

2004-12-23 [Sagacious Turkey]: I want to suggest [Bringer of Nightmares]! cause he's one of the only decent people at our school on here... he has been trying to help out around this place too...

2004-12-26 [~Mooney~]: k_kenoyer because she is the bomb

2004-12-28 [Janouk]: Hmm...shouldn't you be suggesting this on the forum?:>>edit- O no, sorry, I didn't see *slaps head* Gosh, I'm so stupid! *hides in shame* sorry...

2005-01-01 [Relfrome]: Oooh I'd like to suggest a wonderful member!!! [journeygal] ^_^ She is definitely worth some fame, she is great, friendly, and she is always there when I am sad or down and when she was sick she came on elftown to say happy birthday to me. =) I think she is definitely worth it =)

2005-01-03 [imsdal]: [top gun]'s my newest add. He's an artist lik none other ^^ but I suppose his description could get a little messy. If so, then [L?se]. She definitly deserves it.

2005-01-03 [Janouk]: I think your house looks pretty organised as well!

2005-01-03 [imsdal]: likewise ^_^

2005-01-03 [Janouk]: :D Thanks...*goes and checks your house some more...*

2005-01-03 [imsdal]: suppose I should do the same then ^__~ *walks off to read your desc.*

2005-01-04 [imsdal]: [Orouriel]! She's my latest... her house is SO cool! ^^ original, entertaining and has all the info you'd ever want to know! ^^ this house is brilliant! ^^

2005-01-11 [SilverBlue82]: do you have a place where you can nominate other members of elftown for this award?

2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: in this forum for instance: <joinforum:735:join> (Featured Member) :)

2005-01-24 [FiSHr.]: [Alfirin Lindlea] i nominate her

2005-01-24 [Sunrose]: Okay :)

2005-01-25 [FiSHr.]: :)

2005-01-27 [The hunter]: [raiderxx] is a very good person. A little haughty, but who isn't? Very nice all around. I think he deserves to be a featured member

2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: Noted :)

2005-01-27 [Sagacious Turkey]: Bob's Diner! I nominate him!

2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: That's a wiki, not a member :)

2005-01-27 [Headfirst For Halos]: Shadow_Lady is definatlly worthy without a doubt!

2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: Noted :)

2005-01-28 [Sagacious Turkey]: [iippo]- good neat house... nice person... pick her!

2005-01-28 [Sunrose]: Okay, thanks :)

2005-01-28 [Sagacious Turkey]: "thanks" you say... I nominate myself!

2005-01-28 [All_Most PUNK]: Umm, I have to say this: I don't think you have a lot of chances.

2005-01-28 [Sagacious Turkey]: me neither...

2005-01-28 [All_Most PUNK]: Ok, nice to know we all agree.

2005-02-05 [FiSHr.]: i nominate [Ocean Dreaming]

2005-02-05 [Sunrose]: Noted! :)

2005-02-05 [Balthizar]: i would like to nominate [riddle_holic]

2005-02-05 [Sunrose]: Okidoki! ^^

2005-02-05 [Balthizar]: thanks!

2005-02-05 [Skife]: I want to nominate [Balthizar]

2005-02-05 [Balthizar]: ?.?

2005-02-05 [Sunrose]: Aight! ^^

2005-02-05 [FiSHr.]: I nominate you [Sunrose]

2005-02-05 [Erestor]: I'll second that! ^^

2005-02-05 [Balthizar]: third it!! lol

2005-02-05 [FiSHr.]: lol

2005-02-05 [Erestor]: Hehe

2005-02-05 [FiSHr.]: purely cos she is so fantastic at this job and.....she derserves it

2005-02-05 [Erestor]: And she is all over the place all the time, a great part of the Elftown Community!

2005-02-05 [FiSHr.]: yeah!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-05 [Sunrose]: LOL! But I recently, like yesterday, emptied my whole house! There's like...only a wiki with my old description left and 2 pictures! But thanks for the praise! *blushes* (I'm not gonna note this though :PP)

2005-02-05 [FiSHr.]: why you derserve it

2005-02-05 [Sunrose]: But featured members need to have nice houses!

2005-02-05 [FiSHr.]: but surely....oh welll.....i dunno

2005-02-05 [Sunrose]: :P

2005-02-05 [FiSHr.]: :รพ

2005-02-09 [Kayne]: Bleh - I'm not nominating myself since I have been featured already. :p (Or is that possible? o.0) I just wanted to ask to take a look at my house.

2005-02-09 [Sunrose]: we don't feature least not right now..and certainly not if you nominate yourself ;)

2005-02-09 [Kayne]: Getting nominated isn't to hard. :p

2005-02-09 [Sunrose]: That doesn't mean you'll get picked :)

2005-02-09 [Kayne]: Details. :p

2005-02-09 [Sunrose]: Pardon? :)

2005-02-09 [Kayne]: It is incignificant whether I get picked or not. :

2005-02-12 [Ylaraniala Majere]: I nominate [Stratakus]

2005-02-12 [Sunrose]: Noted ;)

2005-02-13 [Kayne]: I nominate [iippo] btw - She has one of the most original houses. Oke - sometimes a bit confusing but that is how it is ment to be.

2005-02-13 [Erestor]: I agree, [iippo] has a very nice house.

2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: Noted hehehe...

2005-02-13 [Erestor]: I nominate [spiritee], as her house is very clean and stright to the point :D

2005-02-13 [Sunrose]: Okay ^^

2005-02-14 [Your Favorite Stranger]: I nominate [Jen.] because she is a person of talent who deserves to be recognized.

2005-02-14 [Sunrose]: Registered! ;)

2005-02-14 [Your Favorite Stranger]: thanks.

2005-02-14 [Your Favorite Stranger]: do you think she might make it?

2005-02-14 [Sunrose]: Well..she has a lot of text in her photo- and drawingslot... :)

2005-02-14 [Your Favorite Stranger]: ooo yeah...

2005-02-14 [Orouriel]: I vote for [L?se] >_< there's lots of things to do/see, and is still organized ^-^

2005-02-14 [Sunrose]: Okay, noted! ^^

2005-02-15 [Fizban]: wow sunrose and ylar and kayne!!, didnt expect the 2 from EP to be here nor you ylar!!??

2005-02-15 [Sunrose]: ylar? yup..I was a member of Elftown before I was a member of Elfpack: most people are :)

2005-02-15 [Fizban]: ylaraniala majere (mi amiga) but i just see you and kayne on other important things at EP so it seems that your also important here lol

2005-02-15 [Fizban]: and althou i havent looked at the other houses mentioned here but i went and looked and i love[spiritee]'s house ands tuff

2005-02-15 [Erestor]: Or I would nomiate [Janouk] as her house is very, very tidy, upon other reasons aswell, ^^

2005-02-15 [Sunrose]: Okay, I've noted it :)

2005-02-15 [hanhepi]: hey, i got a "house" deccoration question on my advice column.. are there any guides to creating a beautiful et house on here (that yall know of.) the featured member criteria will get a nod, of course, but i need an actual guide on how to do a house i think.

2005-02-15 [Sunrose]: I think we only have the criteria you already mentioned...

2005-02-16 [hanhepi]: yeah, here here thats all you have (this wiki) i ment here on elftown in general. thought maybe if anyone had seen a guide on that ya'll had. . lol.

2005-02-16 [Sunrose]: Yes I know what you meant, but I think this is what Elftown has in general...aside from the UAR and such...

2005-02-16 [hanhepi]: damn. oh well.

2005-02-16 [Erestor]: This is a strange converstaion!

2005-02-16 [Sunrose]: Why? :)

2005-02-16 [Kayne]: I nominate [deus-ex-machina] =D *Sorry to interrupt the convo.*

2005-02-16 [Sunrose]: noted! ^^

2005-02-16 [Kayne]: :p Where? *is curious*

2005-02-16 [Sunrose]: Even if I did tell you, acces would be denied to you, so it's quite pointless to tell :)

2005-02-16 [Erestor]: Can't you just imagine Sunny sat in front of the monitor with a little notepad scribbling down names? :P

2005-02-16 [Sunrose]: hahahah! :P

2005-02-22 [That Fuzz]: I nominate [Lethargic Panda], because he is just that awesome.

2005-02-22 [Sunrose]: Noted!

2005-02-22 [Fizban]: wow i went to [Lethargic Panda]'s house and yeah sorry thats where i am changing my vote too know lol

2005-03-11 [?.?.]: i nominate [Erestor] cos he does nothing but contrubute to the site lol

2005-03-11 [theman09]: yer, i nominate [Erestor] aswell

2005-03-11 [Sunrose]: Okay, thanks! :)

2005-03-17 [Master Fio]: well i was going 2 nominate [Amtharnis] but hes already been a featured member

2005-03-17 [Master Fio]: I guess now ill just nominate my best friend coz i did her description for her [Lather Fae]

2005-03-17 [Master Fio]: no wait i nominate [May-lea] coz she made the badge so she should get it

2005-03-17 [Master Fio]: i am so wise. Yay GO [May-lea]

2005-03-17 [Sunrose]: Noted! ;)

2005-03-17 [Fizban]: [May-lea]'s house would look cooler if i could see the pics a bunch of them on her house are down:(

2005-03-17 [Sunrose]: True, but those are dividers anyway. They're not images :)

2005-03-17 [Sunrose]: *comments were removed*

2005-03-18 [Balthizar]: Hhhmmm...guess we cant nominate ourselves..welll then i want to nominate [Kit Azhure] only

2005-03-18 [Sunrose]: Noted :)

2005-03-18 [FiSHr.]: sunrose.....*feels as though he has to grovel at you*

2005-03-18 [They call him Henderson]: I want to nominate [The real life Bella Swan]

2005-03-18 [Sunrose]: Okay ;)

2005-03-18 [Erestor]: Your like thunder Sunrose! Is your pencil on fire?

2005-03-18 [FiSHr.]: lol.....erestor your so funny....HEY he should get a badge for being funny

2005-03-18 [FiSHr.]: *rushes off to make one*

2005-03-18 [Erestor]: I mean it though sunny your lightning quick

2005-03-18 [FiSHr.]: *gulps* not good at drawing

2005-03-18 [Sunrose]: ;)

2005-03-24 [Master Fio]: Lions and spices and stools

2005-03-24 [Fizban]: ooh a witch!! watch out she will eat your children

2005-03-30 [Vampress Bloodreign]: [Sunrose, u added [@8767] lik i asked right???

2005-03-30 [Fizban]: wah run

2005-03-30 [Sunrose]: Yes :)

2005-03-30 [Vampress Bloodreign]: tank u!!!!

2005-03-31 [fuk off elf town i hate yooh!]: i wanna be a member

2005-03-31 [Sunrose]: You are a member, an Elftownmember :)

2005-04-01 [The Dark Lord]: hehehe very good lol :P

2005-04-01 [Fizban]: loyls

2005-04-02 [Erykun]: how do you get to be a featured member?

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